Thursday, June 21, 2007

Google promotes this money cycle. No it’s not a fraud!

I am going to tell you exactly how webmasters do it and make thousands out ofit. And if you do it properly, sky is the limit to your earnings. Turn your mobiles off now, get some glue, and apply to your seats. I am whispering this only to you, don’t tell it to anybody else. It’s a great idea - how to make AdSense money through AdWords.
First you will need to visualize AdWords as a traffic source (which is paid). Forcreating a cycle of making money from Adwords through AdSense, you will need the following ingredients.

1 – High CTR
2 – Traffic from AdWords
3 – High paying keywords
4 – Targeted Content
5 – SmartPricing explained: Never violate almighty Google
6 – The last and ultimate secret tricks
7 – Illegal stuff?

Now let me explain to you the quality and quantity of all the ingredients you will need toget the green cycle that gets you AdSense money through AdWords.

1 – High CTR

There is a reason why you should have high CTR. It should be NOT LESS THAN 10%even in the worst cases. Now, how did I reach at this figure? Suppose you are buying traffic for 5 cents per click from Adwords, and at the end of the day, you get 100 visitors. Now, out of these 100 people, if 10 people clicked your AdSense ads, then the payout of those 10 clicks should be more than $5 (that you spent on Adwords) toearn you any profit. Or you can say, EPC should be at least 0.50 cents.

Let’s use some more valuable stats. Generally, highly qualified traffic clicksare more on AdSense blocks, depending upon your content and placement of your AdSense blocks. I have managed to get up to 20% CTR on Content Websites. 100 visitors from Adwords 20% CTR 20 clicks Spent – $5 Earned - $14 on a particular day EPC average was $0.70
2 – Traffic from AdWords

Traffic from AdWords is easy to get. All of us know how to opt for an AdWords account. But it needs to be managed properly so that we may get maximum traffic with minimum investment.

Tip 1 – Include as many low paying keywords as possible. Get to overture, Get to WordTracker, or any other site you know. Get creative and make your own too. Keyword Country database can suggest you millions of such low paying keywordsalong with the high paying keywords.

Tip 2 – Don’t pay more than 5 cents to Google AdWords initially. No matter how much traffic you get, just do not pay more than 5 cents in the beginning. Wait for a few days. One week is the best time to draw the average of how much you were in profit. If you feel you can do better by increasing the CPC on AdWords, go ahead!

Tip 3 – Optimize your ads till they have the highest CTR. Use more andmore COMMONLY known GENERALLY spoken keywords. Try including search keywords in the ads in such a way that Googleshows them in bold when someone views your ad.

Tip 4 – Use suggestive low cost keywords to further boost the traffic on your website. This tip is a bit risky,so it should be wisely used. In certain cases, it can be a deciding factor - Double or nothing!
For more tips on Adwords:
3 – High Paying Keywords

High paying keywords are the key ingredient of the entire recipe. It’s the heart of the entire system. Don’t try this without High paying keywords. Make several web pages around a topic that contain high payingkeywords, and link them with one another. Don’t try it on low paying keywords,as you will be spending away lot more on AdWords than what you earn from AdSense.

More the advertisers bidding on a keyword, higher will be your EPC - andof course, broader will be your smile. When I say “high paying keywords,” I don’t mean the ones with Higher CPC. It’s a bigmistake to judge a keyword as a “high paying” one just on the basis of CPC. Only Keyword Country lets you predict your earnings per click before even targeting keywords.

Try using keywords that have low competition with advertisers paying high on it. You can find thousands of undiscovered niche keywords in Keyword Country’s Database. Don’t worrymuch about the traffic, it’s the job of AdWords to send the traffic to yourwebsite. But don’t get too easy on that either.

4 – Target Your Content With High Paying Keywords

Here is how to target the pages for high paying keywords.
Internal Optimization : Internal Optimization includes Meta tags,Title Text, Optimization of content, and internal linking of your website. Herewe will learn how to increase relevancy of ads and how to inject keywords thatwill help you get high paying ads. Internal Optimization has a high impact onthe relevancy of ads and CTR.

External Optimization : This includes the web pages that are giving linksto you (external profile of your website), anchor text being used to link yourwebsite, and many more variables that search engines use to evaluate theauthoritative importance of a web page. External Optimization helps bringrelevant traffic to your website and enables you to earn more by getting moreCTR (Click Thru Ratio).

If you want to apply high paying keywords on existing web pages (already crawled by Mediabot), please don’t expect the increase in income the next second. Google takes time to refresh its ads (maximum 15 days).

So, don’t just log on to adwords and start a campaign right now. Make sure that you are getting high paying ads, andthat you have implemented high paying keywords correctly. Creating new optimized pages on the website can show you immediate results (if your website is being crawled by Google regularly). Keyword Country lets you predict your EPC (EarningsPer Click) before even targeting a keyword with its Average CPC. That’s the best way to find out if the keywords are really high paying orare just artificially inflated keywords.
5 – The Last and the Ultimate Secret

Hold your breath. This is a never-told secret.
The whole reaction starts from AdWords. What is AdWords? – Source of paid traffic. You are bringing in paid traffic. But, is Adwords the only way to get paid traffic? BINGO! You got my point.

Discover other cheaper ways to buy traffic. There are many other smaller PPC engines that can collectively give you as much traffic (or sometimes more) as you want, giving you more returns than you can handle.
6 – Tackle Smart Pricing

You need to take special care of SmartPricing here.
Here is what Google says what SmartPricing is:
“How smart pricing worksWe are constantly analyzing data across our network, and if our data shows that a click is less likely to turn into business results (e.g. online sale, registration, phone call, newsletter sign-up), we may reduce the price you pay for that click. You may notice a reduction in the cost of clicks from content sites. We take into account many factors such as what keywords or concepts triggered the ad, as well as the type of site on which the ad was served. For example, a click on an ad for digital cameras on a web page about photography tips may be worth less than a click on the same ad appearing next to a review of digital cameras. Google saves you time and hassle by estimating the value of clicks and adjusting prices on an ongoing basis. With improved smart pricing, you should automatically get greater value for clicks from ad impressions across our network, all with no change in how you bid.”

The major factor: NEVER EVER TRY TO CHEAT GOOGLE. Don’t host content that your visitors don’t want to see. They came on your website in good faith that you will give them quality information, exactly what they are looking for.Just putting crap there, and stuffing the search results of a search engine is what Google hates.

If the visitors are given carp information, they will never be good buyers, or will become resistant tothe convincing power of the advertisers where your AdSense code is directing them to. Google will sense that the traffic form your website isof poor quality, and you will get a shock of SmartPricing.
7 - Is All the Above Stuff Illegal?

Who said that? I happened to make a very informational site, and then to help bring some visitors to my highly informational site, I usedthe adwords to promote it. Of course, since this site is just sprouting, I don’thave the capital to bid on the $X keywords, so I am starting out slowly, and bidding on terms with lower volumes of searches.

Currently, in order to help supplement the income of my informational site, Ihave chosen to use Google’s excellent AdSense program while the site begins to show up in the search engines…. who knows, maybe I’ll just keep on using Adsense and Adwords for the foreseeable future.

There should be no issue as long as your site is decent and does not say “click my ad.” Google must have thought about this trick already andit must be silently happy to see the advertisers run such money loops. But Google can’t shout it loud to the community. Webmasters who are buying ads from Google and boosting their AdSense are actually helping Google to make more money from high payingadvertisers. It’s a win-win game for Google. Will you take action against a person who is paying to help you?

Yes, it is illegal if you bring Adwords traffic on poor content. Google will curse you with its SmartPricing phenomenon, and will limit your earnings. Google wants your help, but not at the cost of its own reputation. Never ever try to cheat Google.

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